About Our People

ThinkOne is a comprehensive and progressive consultation organization that seeks to impact individual, group and organizational communication and behavior. Through customized programs designed from a Performance Psychology perspective that addresses the wants and needs of the client and the identified targets, ThinkOne helps individuals, groups and organizations make meaningful and valued change that forms a nexus with their individual and organizational goals and objectives. In short: WE HELP PEOPLE and ORGANIZATIONS ACQUIRE MOTIVATION AND PERFORM BETTER!

Dr. Rick Perea (Dr. P), Ph.D., He/Him/His

Dr. Monica Wehby, M.D., Pediatric Neurosurgeon, Congressional Medal Distinction in Pediatric Neurosurgery

Sharla Manglitz, ESQ, J.D., General Legal Counsel

Julius Thomas, Psy. D. Candidate

Jensen Gill, B.S., Masters in Neuroscience, Lead NeuroFeedback Technician

Cassidy Logan, BA, qEEG (Brain Mapping) Specialist, RBT, NFT

Kaleigh Carlone B.S Neuroscience, qEEG (Brain Mapping) Specialist, RBT, She/Her/Hers

Keenya Younger, Neurofeedback Technician B.A., C.E.I.

Ben Ezell, Front of Office

Kaleb Perea – Wellness/Mental Health Ambassador

Keegan Perea – Wellness/Mental Health Ambassador

Drake Perea – Wellness/Mental Health Ambassador
